Educational Services
We believe every student should have a chance to thrive.
Counseling Services
School counseling services are available to all students in grades Pre-K-High School. At Central Christian Academy, we provide a Christ-centered, comprehensive developmental counseling program that addresses academic support, personal and social skills development, and the exploration of natural gifts and career interests. In addition to providing support, guidance, and counseling to students, the counseling department serves as a resource for parents, faculty, and staff.
Counseling services are provided by both the CCA Campus Counselor and by the IU1 School Counselor on three levels: individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom lessons/school-wide assemblies.
All counseling services can be accessed by student request, teacher or administration referrals, and/or parent/guardian recommendations. Parents will be contacted for permission for on-going scheduled counseling sessions. In cases where long-term intensive counseling may be necessary, additional referrals will be made to off-campus counselors or psychologists.
Speech-Language Support
In coordination with the Intermediate Unit, "Speech and Language support services are provided for students who exhibit communication disorders in the area of articulation, language, fluency and/or voice. Evaluations are conducted for any student whose communication disorder appears to be impacting his/her progress within the general education curriculum."
(Information from Intermediate Unit 1 Website)
Remedial English Language Arts & Mathematics Services
In coordination with the Intermediate Unit 1, remedial and enrichment English language arts and mathematics instruction is provided by an Intermediate Unit-employed remedial specialist on an individual or small group basis. Remedial programs are designed to close the gap between what students know and what they’re expected to know. Students are assessed and must qualify and demonstrate need in order to participate in this program.
(Information from Intermediate Unit 1 Website)
Psychological Testing and Educational Plans
Psychological Testing: When students are struggling academically and there is a need to rule out a learning disability in order to best meet the student’s academic needs, parents can request a school psychological evaluation to be completed. Generally, if parents are desiring for their child to continue at CCA regardless of the test results, the parent request for evaluation is sent to the Intermediate Unit 1 school psychologist. If, however, Central Christian School administration or parents are unsure of where the child will be enrolled, evaluation is requested through the child’s home school district. Preparation for this testing is assisted through collection of parent and teacher surveys and the completion of an observation of the child in the educational setting by the Intermediate Unit’s Equitable Participation Consultant for Nonpublic Schools. Testing is completed at Central Christian Academy. The psychological evaluation/reevaluation is then shared with the CCA staff and parents who review recommendations in order to determine the best course of action.
Educational and 504 Plans: For students who enter CCA with an IEP or have a doctor’s diagnosis requiring academic accommodations, and/or an evaluation/reevaluation indicating a need for special education services, an individualized CCA educational plan is created. These students are monitored and supported by the Instructional Support Team. Parents and teachers are part of this educational plan process and reviews of this plan are completed each school year.
Instructional Support: Overseen by the Instructional Support Director, instructional support staff provide additional help to students who are struggling academically and require “push-in” support within the classroom or “pull-out” support for reinforcement and/or small group testing in order to be successful academically.