High School
Central Christian Academy has provided high quality 9th-12th grade academic programming for over 43 years by partnering with local churches and families. We are now offering a 9th through 11th grade high school program that meets the same standard of education you have come to trust.
CCA provides three academic tracks that align with each student’s needs and career goals.
College Preparatory
Our academic program provides each student with a high school diploma that recognizes a successful secondary educational experience. This includes comprehensive studies:
• English/Language
• Arts/Literature
• Mathematics
• Science
• History/Social Studies
• Foreign Language
• Biblical Studies
Our service-learning program allows students to actively serve in their communities while being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Vocational & Technological
The vocational program provides students with a high school diploma and a vocational certification in the trade of their choice:
The following certifications are currently available:
• Auto Mechanics
• Automation & Robotics
• Engineering Technology
• Carpentry
• Collision Repair
• Technology
• Cosmetology
• Culinary Arts/Baking
• Electrical Occupations
• Emergency & Protective Services
• Health Assistant
• Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
• Machine Shop
• Masonry
• Networking
• Welding
Western Area Career and Technology Center
* Washington County Career and Technology Center programs are developed to follow the State guidelines for Programs of Study. Programs of Study incorporate secondary education and postsecondary education elements; include coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant career and technical content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with postsecondary education to adequately prepare students to succeed in postsecondary education; may include the opportunity for secondary education students to acquire postsecondary education credits and lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level or an associate or baccalaureate degree. Upon completion of a career and technical education (CTE) Program of Study (POS), students are eligible for statewide articulation credits. The Students Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR) program allows CTE students to earn free college credits. Students can earn these free credits if you have scored well on your NOCTI and if your instructor can confirm that you have completed your entire CTE program. Questions about CTC programs may be directed to the main office at the high school or the CTC.
Any student in grades 10 through 12 presently attending Central Christian Academy and residing in a local district may apply for admission at their local Career & Technology Center. Applications must be submitted through the high school serving the student's place of residence.
Advanced College Preparatory
Our college preparatory program provides each student with a high school diploma and transferable college credits.
Central Christian Academy has partnered with various colleges to provide early college (dual enrollment) courses that will help accelerate their academic career.
These dual enrollment courses are available to 10th through 12th-grade students, to challenge each student to gain a greater depth of knowledge. Each student must complete prerequisite criteria determined by the institution to enroll in the dual enrollment courses offered.
A holistic approach to education is where we start…
We believe each student is unique and that the Lord has great plans for them. Central Christian Academy is committed to helping each student discover their God-directed path while providing a well-rounded program that is...
Academically Focused. We provide comprehensive coursework, that is guided by a rigorous curriculum and needs-based tracks that help align each student to their career goal.
Spiritually Founded. Our lessons include Biblical integration, with opportunities for apologetics and community outreach.
Personally Fit. Each student is provided with social, emotional, and physical education programming that supports personal wellness.
Extracurricular opportunities for our high school students include: Odyssey of the Mind, Robotics, and Teen Bible Quiz. For more information, contact us.