Our goal is that students become safe & responsible digital citizens with the knowledge and experience needed to succeed in their future. We will also help support and implement technology in the classroom to enrich the learning experience. Our staff strive to integrate technology in their teachings to ensure that we provide our students with the best possible education. Technology is constantly evolving and we will continue to evolve with it.
Students in Grades 1 - 12 are provided with Chromebooks as tools to enhance learning and access the curriculum beyond the walls of the classroom.
At the start of each school year, students enrolled in Central Christian Academy will be assigned a school owned device to access the curriculum. Families have the option to participate in an Optional Insurance Program for student assigned Chromebooks at a cost of $35 per student, per year.
The official Learning Management System (LMS) of Central Christian Academy is FACTs. Parents/Guardians of students in all grade levels, and students in grades 6 - 12 can access their courses, assignments, and content by logging into FACTs .
Central Christian Academy uses GoGuardian to keep students safe on their school-issued Chromebooks. GoGuardian combines cloud-based filtering, AI algorithms, and human common sense to block inappropriate content on the internet, while providing schools the tools they need to educate and safeguard.
To learn more about GoGuardian’s Solutions visit:
Central Christian Academy uses Google Apps for Education for all students, Grades K-12. Students receive their Google account information at the beginning of the year or upon enrollment.
Randy McCray
Development and Technology Manager
724-746-4902 x203